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stella i tara iz britanskoy semyi radugi pokupayut zemlyu v indii: v Kumbamela (Haridwar) (eto sever indii, gimalayi), chtoby s 2010 goda osnovat' postoyanniy rainbow v indii, no rainbow welcome centr budet uje cherez polgoda. ekoproekt.
podrobnosti na:
From: Remedy Active <activatedremedy@yahoo.co.uk>
To: tara joy <taraarabumdia@yahoo.co.uk>
Date: Thu, 24 May 2007 15:47:11 +0100 (BST)
Dear Rainbow Family
Our names are Stella and Tara Joy and we are from Glastonbury.We have
lived there for nearly 20 years. You did not meet us at the British
Gathering last year as we have been in India for the last 18 months.
Many of you probably know us. Some of you know us through the British
( I co-ordinated the Sacred Space Project at the Glastonbury Festival
in 89, 93 and 94 and many worked with me) and some of you might know us
through the Haridwar Kumbamela in 98. Anyone who has a copy of Rainbow
Rising, Tara is the child swinging in the hammock. Much Love to you all.
We were also at the recent Allalahbad Kumbamela 2006, living in the
Oudassi Achara
We have spent the last year and a half in India working on setting up a
Mountain Reforestation project in the Uttaranchal State in the Himalayas
and an Environmental, Goddess Conscious,Rainbow Centre Ashram in the
Haridwar / Rishikesh area.
We have achieved positive results with meeting people who like our ideas
and want to work with us, finding land to make new Sacred Groves on close
to old Sacred Groves, being able to buy land and property in our names or
our organisations name and getting long term visas.
To be able to be successful and achieve our aims we need some financial
support and hope that some of you will be inspired and help us.
We have made a web site www.activeremedy.org.uk
( Part of it will not be up for 2 weeks yet, as the person who adds to
our site is busy at present and the part that says how to send us donations
is being changed. We have set up a pay pal account and donations can easily
be payed into it through any other pay pal account
We hope to buy this Rainbow Centre within the next 6 months and to be
ready and working with the local people and Ashram communities by the next
Kumbamela in Haridwar in 2010.
We hope we will hear from you and see many of you there in a Welcome
Home manner.
We can send a photo of us to any of you who are interested but don't
want to send needless attachments. Also photos of us will be in the new
pages on our site in the next few weeks.
Much Love and a Happy Rainbow Time to you all
Love Stella and Tara
Не в сети
...Ну, это, скорее, Эко Комьюнити, нежели Рейнбоу центр...
...Вообще говоря, все попытки создать стационарные Рейнбоу комьюнити предпринимались неоднократно и провалились по одним и тем же причинам - появление "AUTORITY" - собственников земли - рано или поздно - приводило к играм во власть, тем самым уничтожая основную "анархическо-библейскую" идею Рейнбоу - свободное собрание свободных ребят на основе гармонии и сотрудничества...
...В Европе есть несколько довольно успешных хиппи комьюнити, приближенных к Рейнбоу - (Уэльс, Испания) но располагаются они не на частной, а на муниципальной земле...
...Увы, но человеческая природа за последние 2000 лет не изменилась ни на йоту, - там, где появляются отношения "хозяин-гость", там нет места свободе...
Такова жизнь...
Изменено BEATNIK (2007-07-09 17:54:16)
Не в сети
BEATNIK, какой у вас чудесный ник...))))
...con amore))) corason...
Не в сети
oni je skazali, chto rainbow center. lyudi te je, a vdrug u etih poluchitsya...
Не в сети
BEATNIK, какой у вас чудесный ник...))))
Ну, спасиб...
oni je skazali, chto rainbow center. lyudi te je, a vdrug u etih poluchitsya...
Ну, дай Б-г...
...Будем держать за них пальцы крестиком...
Хотя, вообще говоря, эко-комьюнити здесь в Индии очень много...
Изменено BEATNIK (2007-07-10 16:04:25)
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